Resetting Usernames and Passwords from text file

I had a project to migrate users from Linux Postfix mail system to Exchange 2013 but had to do it in stages in order to use it as recommended by Microsoft, The customer had Red Hat Linux Servers with Postfix integrated with Active directory for authentication.

In order to migrate the users I installed Exchange 2007 in order to use the Microsoft tool called (Microsoft Transporter Suite) and had to reset all users (850 User) passwords to use notepad file and import it in the tool in order to migrate all users in less than a week.

I searched for any powershells that would reset users passwords on Active directory but could not find anyone that would suit my scenario and customer’s security policies until I came through a tool called “Quest One activeRoles which integrates lots of useful commands into its own powershell that have to be installed on Active Directory server to reset all users passwords.

You can find the tool either from the following link:

In order to do so I have prepared a notepad file with 2 columns “Username, password” and then copied all users and their passwords below the two columns, saved the file in .csv extension then used the following script

$data = Import-csv “C:\users_pass.csv”

foreach($line in $data) {set-QADUser $line.username -UserPassword $line.password }

Click on the snapshot to enlarge it

As shown in the snapshopt above you will have to install the application first on your DC and then run the application shell “ActiveRoles Management shell for AD” as administrator then run the commands below

$data = Import-csv “C:\users_pass.csv”

foreach($line in $data) {set-QADUser $line.username -UserPassword $line.password }


Usernames in the CSV File must be according to the format in the Snapshot above or else the command won’t be recognized.

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