Tag Archives: Microsoft

Changing RDWeb default Port on Windows Server 2019


When you install RDS on a server which already uses the port 443, you will get the following error when you try to access RDWeb main page.

Reason for this is the server you installed RDWeb on is most likely already using the port 443 or something else.

Error Message:

When trying to access RDWeb on the same server you’ll get the following error:

Service Unavailable

Http Error 503. The Service is unavailable



To Troubleshoot, Let’s see what is using the port 443.

Run CMD or PowerShell as an Administrator and type the following command

Netstat -anbo | findstr 443


Changing Port to 1443 or 8443

Let’s try changing the Port using the RD Gateway Manager

From the Gateway Manager click on the Properties on the right pane > Go to Transport Settings Tab and change the HTTPS port to 1443 or 8443


Changing Ports using Registry

Navigate to and make sure you first take a backup (Export the key)

[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\TerminalServerGateway\Config\Core]

Change the following registry value

IsUdpEnabled REG_DWORD 0


Backup and change the following port value to the intended one

[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\TerminalServerGateway\Config\Core]

HttpsPort REG_DWORD (8443)

Change the base to Decimal to type the write port number.


Restart Service

From PowerShell restart the service

net stop tsgateway
net start tsgateway


Let’s see the listening port 8443

From PowerShell type

Netstat -anbo | findstr 8443

Netstat -anbo | findstr 8443


Let’s go to the main page and see if it works..

Voila! Finally it worked



Deploy Azure Linux and Windows servers in 10 mins via cli

This is a step by step guide about deploying Linux or Windows servers on Azure via CLI.

Why Cli?

Some people prefer using Linux rather than PowerShell and it seems sometimes easier and faster to learn esp if you’re not GUI type of person.

Installation Options

If you’re working on Windows and would like to use CLI, you’ll have two options to install CLI

Option 1

Run Azure CLI installation directly from your Powershell (PowerShell needs to run from a privileged account)

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://aka.ms/installazurecliwindows -OutFile .\AzureCLI.msi; Start-Process msiexec.exe -Wait -ArgumentList ‘/I AzureCLI.msi /quiet’

As soon as you run this command, it’ll take about 5 mins or less depending on the connection you have.


Option 2

Download the MSI file directly from MS’s link and install it on your Computer.


Connect to Azure CLI from PowerShell

Run PowerShell or CMD and type the following command to connect

Az Login then hit enter

As soon as you type this, a web page will be launched asking you for your Azure Account credentials so open the session for your Cli window.

The moment you verified your account, PowerShell will list your azure plans that you have / had before.


If you’re going to use Linux (Ubuntu, Debian) flavor then you’d have to following the following instructions

Manual install instructions

If you don’t want to run a script as superuser or the all-in-one script fails, follow these steps to install the Azure CLI.

  1. Get packages needed for the install process:


    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install ca-certificates curl apt-transport-https lsb-release gnupg
  2. Download and install the Microsoft signing key:


    curl -sL https://packages.microsoft.com/keys/microsoft.asc |
        gpg --dearmor |
        sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/microsoft.asc.gpg > /dev/null
  3. Add the Azure CLI software repository:


    AZ_REPO=$(lsb_release -cs)
    echo "deb [arch=amd64] https://packages.microsoft.com/repos/azure-cli/ $AZ_REPO main" |
        sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/azure-cli.list
  4. Update repository information and install the




    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install azure-cli

Run the Azure CLI with the


command. To sign in, use the az login command.

  1. Run the



    Azure CLI

    Try It

    az login

    If the CLI can open your default browser, it will do so and load an Azure sign-in page.

    Otherwise, open a browser page at https://aka.ms/devicelogin and enter the authorization code displayed in your terminal.

  2. Sign in with your account credentials in the browser.

To learn more about different authentication methods, see Sign in with Azure CLI.

Deploying Linux (CentOS):

Creating a Resource Group for Azure Container Instances (ACI)

We will start first by creating a Resource Group for our Machine, calling it a AzureLinuxServersGroup to easily identify that this group contains our Linux Servers

az group create –name AzureLinuxServersGroup –location westeurope


Next we will be creating a container to contain the Linux OS on the resource group which we have just created

First, How we know which Image to use and if that will be proper for our deployment?

To answer that, we will use the following command which will view the available latest edition Linux OS with different flavors.

I would like to use CentOS since its identical to RedHat and used by majority of Enterprises.

To list the Images, Enter the following command

az vm image list –output table


Notice there are many columns, The one which we are going to use in terminal command line is the UrnAlias. It’s important to remember this.

az vm create \

–resource-group AzureLinuxServersGroup \

–name AzureCentOSWP \

–image CentOS \

–admin-username Moh10lyUser \



Since we are using Bash, It’s a case sensitive and it complained about user having capital letters. So we’ll go ahead and use small letters


After running the command with small letters, it’s telling us where we can find the keys in order for us to reach and get them to use later to login to this newly created machine.

SSH key files ‘/home/moh10ly/.ssh/id_rsa’ and ‘/home/moh10ly/.ssh/id_rsa.pub’ have been generated under ~/.ssh to allow SSH access to the VM. If using machines without permanent storage, back up your keys to a safe location.

The deployment of the machine takes about 3 mins, and it’ll be created with the default minimum resources. Let’s view


Our machine is ready to be accessed now


In order for you to get the SSH Keys, you’ll have to have a bit of knowledge

I am going to go the location mentioned previously after creating a machine and copy the keys from the bash screen into a file. Save the file and Import it into SSH client which I will be using (Bitvise in my case).

From the bash screen goto cd /

Cd /home/user/.ssh/

Cat id_rsa hit enter and copy the key and save it into notepad.

Cat id_rsa.pub and copy/save into a notepad as the public key.


After loading both keys, I was able to successfully login to the Server




Get a list of Azure VMS

az vm image list


Let’s List and deploy a WordPress on CentOS

To view the list of available CentOS images, we’ll use the following cli command

az vm image list -f CentOS –all

The image needs to be grabbed from dockerhub URL


az container create –resource-group mohazbackupgroup –name mohcontainer –os-type Linux –image cognosys:wordpress-with-centos-77-free:wordpress-with-centos-77-free:1.2019.1008 –dns-name-label azmohlinux –ports 22

Create Windows Server core with IIS

az container create –resource-group mohazbackupgroup –name mohcontainer –os-type windows –image mcr.microsoft.com/windoervercore/centos –dns-name-label azmohlinux –ports 22ws/servercore/iis:nanoserver –dns-name-label azmohiis –ports 80


Here we go I got a machine ready (took about 5 mins)



To delete the container, you can write the following

az container delete –resource-group mohazbackupgroup –name mohcontainer



Stay tuned for more articles about Azure.

Error After Migrating ADFS from 2012R2 to 2016

The Story:

You might have got a request to upgrade from ADFS 2012 R2 to Windows ADFS 2016.

This process can be complicated especially if you’ll have to migrate the Database as well and it would be more of an issue when the Database is WID (Windows Internal Database) since there’s no much documentation about troubleshooting issues involving WID on ADFS.

I have got a request from a client whom have done a migration with another consultant and obviously it was not done right.


On Windows 2016 ADFS when trying to update the ADFS SSL certificate I get the following error:

Set-AdfsSslCertificate -ThumbPrint A7etc : PS0159 : The Operation is not supported at the current Farm Behavior Level ‘1’. Raise the farm to at least version ‘2’ before retrying.

At line:1 char:1


Trying to update the database from 1 to 2,3 will also fail with the following error:




Database upgrade cannot be performed on AdfsServer.domain.com. Error: A database for the target behavior level already exists.


If you’re installing ADFS on WID (Windows Internal Database) you should run the following to get the database name/Connect String

On ADFS Server

Open Windows PowerShell

  1. Enter the following:
    $adfs = gwmi -Namespace root/ADFS -Class SecurityTokenService

    and hit Enter

  2. Enter the following:

    and hit enter.

  3. You should see the connect string information.


Go to Service Console and stop ADFS Service or from Powershell type Net stop adfssrv

Run SQL Server 2017 Database Engine Tuning Advisor as an administrator


Use the Server name as this


As for Authentication, Use the Windows Authentication with the user you’re logged into if you know that’s a privileged user and can authenticate, If not try with a user which you’ve done the upgrade of ADFS with.


After authenticating, You will be able to see AdfsConfiguration , AdfsConfigurationV3 and AdfsArtifactStore. What we need to see is that AdfsConfigurationV3 has data in it and is not totally empty.


After checking and comparing the size between V1 and V3, It appeared that V3 database is empty. So what next?


Deleting the AdfsConfigurationV3 was the first thought that hit my mind however, before deleting anything I always take a snapshot of the VM since backing up the WID is more painful and takes more time than simply backing up the VM (Checkpoint, Snapshot).

So the steps to fix this issue is

  • Taking a VM Snapshot/Checkpoint/Backup.
  • Download Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio from this link https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=864329
  • Install Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio on ADFS Server
  • Run MS SQL Server Management Studio as Administrator
  • In the Server Name type :


Leave the Authentication as it is and logon.


  • From the SQL Object Explorer right click and Delete the AdfsConfigurationV3 and leave AdfsConfiguration Database only.


  • After deleting the Database, Start ADFS Service to make sure that it can load the old database without an issue.
  • Then run the cmdlet Invoke-AdfsFarmBehaviorLevelRaise and Accept by typing Y and Enter.


This might take about 5 minutes to finish.


When this process is done, You should see the following message indicating the success of the Database Upgrade.


To double check, We will run the cmdlet Get-AdfsFarmInformation


Updating Certificate

After this success, I am going to run the cmdlet below to replace the current certificate with the new one

Set-AdfsSslCertificate -Thumbprint 9b19426e17180c0b9c5d4atye53dda3bce9dbff

And here we go. It works perfectly fine





Setting up SoftEther VPN with Most Secure Settings:

Why VPN?

Before reading this article or going through it maybe you want to know why you’re supposed to use VPN wherever you go ?

If you use one of the following on your computer/Phone/Tablet then you must use VPN

  • Online Banking?
  • Paying Bills?
  • Purchasing online Services?
  • Checking Private Emails?
  • Connecting to work Email?

The list goes on and on and won’t probably end with only those, But the most important thing to acknowledge that nowadays there is absolutely nothing safe on the Internet World. Your data could be exposed, hacked at anytime anywhere and esp if you go to public Internet places e.g. (Starbucks, University, Your Friend’s home even).

So what is SoftEther VPN Server/Client?

As introduced by Softether itself, SoftEther VPN (“SoftEther” means “Software Ethernet”) is one of the world’s most powerful and easy-to-use multi-protocol VPN software. It runs on Windows, Linux, Mac, FreeBSD and Solaris.

SoftEther VPN is open source. You can use SoftEther for any personal or commercial use for free charge.



SoftEther VPN is an optimum alternative to OpenVPN and Microsoft’s VPN servers. SoftEther VPN has a clone-function of OpenVPN Server. You can integrate from OpenVPN to SoftEther VPN smoothly. SoftEther VPN is faster than OpenVPN. SoftEther VPN also supports Microsoft SSTP VPN for Windows Vista / 7 / 8. No more need to pay expensive charges for Windows Server license for Remote-Access VPN function.


SoftEther VPN can be used to realize BYOD (Bring your own device) on your business. If you have smartphones, tablets or laptop PCs, SoftEther VPN’s L2TP/IPsec server function will help you to establish a remote-access VPN from your local network. SoftEther VPN’s L2TP VPN Server has strong compatible with Windows, Mac, iOS and Android.


Download the Windows Server version of Softether from the following Page:


Installation Requirements:

  • Windows Server/Windows 10
  • 4GB RAM
  • 100 GB Disk
  • 2 VCPU

These resources are estimated and not calculated, It’s only in case of small amount of users (Max 100 User). If you’re going to use more than that you’ll have to check depending on how many concurrent connections are there going to be.

Installation Steps:

As soon as you start Softether VPN – Create new Connection and set the password for the Administrator



Configure Softether as Remote Access VPN Server

I am going to setup new Remote Access VPN Server:



This will create a new Virtual Hub, Give it whatever name you want.


If you have no Static Public IP address

Set a dynamic DNS function name, This is useful in case the IP you have keeps changing like in the case of ADSL connections at home ..etc


VPN Type:

In the IPSEC/L2TP/EtherIP /L2TPv3 Server settings, you’ll need to choose the most secure VPN connection to allow your users to safely and securely browse the internet. This needs L2TP server function to be enabled along with setting the Ipsec Pre-Shared key to provide the most secure VPN connectivity.


AZURE Settings:

If you don’t have access to Firewall to configure NAT, or configure your firewall access to the Softthere VPN Server you must enable this feature (VPN Azure Cloud VPN Service (Free) by the Japanese University of Subuka.


We have set the Azure hostname previously already so no need to change it unless you wanna use something else.


Creating Users


I will create a user, assign it to my admins group, then Create a Certificate for this user to login to make sure I have the maximum security and authentication methods offered.

Creating Certificate

Since I already have created the root certificate, I Am going to create a client certificate for this particular user from the root certificate.



Finally user is created


Choosing the right connection to set as Local Bridge

I need to make sure to choose the NIC which reflects my internet outbound NIC in order to connect properly (In my case it’s going to be Ethernet 2)




Using the most secure Encryption Algorithm for our connection

By default Softether uses AES128-SHA, while this is considered secured and used by most common VPN service providers it’s always better to use something that’s level or more secure. So we are going to change the default changes to AES256-GCM-SHA384

To change those settings, Navigate to the main menu of Softether VPN Server Manager and click on “Encryption and Network”


Change the “Encryption Algorithm Name:” to AES256-GCM-SHA384

AES256-GCM-SHA384 is based on the cipher suite TLSv 1.3 which is considered the most recent and secure cipher suite that’s being used right now.

Default Setting:


Change to


Client Configuration:

  • In the setting name: we are going to enter a random name.
  • The hostname: will be the name which we created previously for Dynamic IP cases. This will be useful to remember even If you have a static Public IP address.
  • User Authentication Setting: We will be using the certificate which I created before (I copied this cert to my client computer where I am going to connect via the VPN client manager).
  • Virtual Hub Name: Here you’ll need to copy the exact name of the Virtual Hub name which you have created on the server side.



Connectivity Test:

After settings everything, I am going to try and connect with my user using Certificate and the Password I set.







kms Server Deployment step by step Guide

So What is KMS ?

KMS stands for the abbreviation (Key Management Service) in which enterprises and big companies manage their Software, End user and Servers licenses keys through a single server (Called KMS) which automates the whole process of activation and eliminates the need for an individual or admin interfering to activate them.

Prerequisites for KMS Host:

In order to use KMS, You will need to install Server version of Microsoft Windows. This server can be installed on a Virtual machine or physical one. But still there are requirements to activate other machines.

  • Server needs to be joined to Domain to activate other machines/products.
  • VLSC (Volume License Service Center) Host Key (Can only be acquired through the VLSC portal.
  • If you’re going to activate any Office products (Office 2016/ Office 2019) then you’ll need to download the Office Volume License Pack for those products from the links attached.
  • Run the License Pack you downloaded and enter the Office Key to activate it.

After deploying Windows 2016/2019 Server you can install the role from Server manager or from PowerShell

KMS Installation

Launch powershell in Admin mode and run the following CMDLET

Install-WindowsFeature -Name VolumeActivation



Continue to the next window and add the required Features


The next window will let give you some information about the automation of the license activation for MS products and how KMS works.


There are two options of how activating licenses, One is through using a service or the other through joining server/computer to Active Directory KMS will auto activate products if their relevant KMS licenses are entered in the KMS Host server.


Install your Windows 2016/2019 KMS Host Server key to create AD Object for KMS


Choose your activation Method in order to activate the KMS server


If activation continues successfully you’ll be able to see KMS telling you that continuing will create an AD object . Click Yes to continue


We’ll wait until this finishes


When this works, The next window will give you a warning that Clicking Next will delete the current activation Object which is the AD object that has been previously created. Click Close since we want to keep that.


KMS Host Activation

To view the activation of your KMS Host, You can open CMD on the KMS Server and type

slmg.vbs –dlv

As you can see below, it’ll show summary information about the license you entered and other related info.


To make sure your installation has went successfully, you can launch ADSI Editor and see if the AD object has been created or not.

From CMD or Powershell type adsiedit.msc

Navigate to Configuration>Services> Microsoft SPP> You should see the Activation Objects there.


Activating Office 2016 / 2019

As we mentioned previously to activate office 2016 or Office 2019 you will need to download the Office License pack from the links attached previously.

– Office 2016 License Package link https://www.microsoft.com/download/details.aspx?id=49164

– Office 2019 License Package Link https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/downloads/details.aspx?id=57342


You should not launch Volume License Manager when activating Office products or when trying to enter a KMS License key for Office products, Instead when executing the Office Package it will launch it for you and all you have to do is Enter the Office license key and restart Microsoft Windows Client to get Office activated.


Verifying KMS is Working:

To check if KMS is working on the end user’s side we need to get our hands on one of those clients, restart the user’s PC and then launch one of Office apps and see if it’s activated or not. The condition for the End user is that they need to be domain joined to acquire a license from KMS server.

It gets activated right after a restart!





Search and Delete certain Items/Folders from a Mailbox

The Story

During a project of Hybrid migration from Exchange on-premises to Exchange online, I was almost about to finalize the project by moving the last remaining users mailboxes however had an interesting issue to deal with where a user was failing with the following error:

The Error after migration:

Error: MigrationPermanentException: Mailbox dumpster size 50.87 GB (54,620,074,576 bytes) exceeds target quota 30 GB –> Mailbox dumpster size 50.87 GB exceeds target quota.


After some research it turned out that you can clean the dumpster using search-mailbox PowerShell cmdlet, Sync the user’s object with ADConnect and then continue the migration from the last failure.

To solve the issue, Go on your Exchange on-premises and launch Exchange Management shell

Solution applied:

First, Let’s see the user’s dumpster and recoverable items

Get-MailboxFolderStatistics -Identity “User” -FolderScope RecoverableItems | Format-Table Name,FolderPath,ItemsInFolder,FolderAndSubfolderSize


To Delete the dumpster only use this

Delete dumpster only

Search-mailbox -identity User -SearchDumpsterOnly –DeleteContent

To delete a certain email with certain subject in the dumpster use the following:

Get-mailbox “user”| search-mailbox –searchquery “Subject:’*'” –DeleteContent –SearchDumpsterOnly


The cmdlet will search and delete





Powershell script to audit users who authenticated against DC servers

The story:

I have got a request from a client asking to find out which server(s) is using which domain admin or a highly privileged account as a service.

To find this I already wrote a powershell script that does this, Search the non standard/(Domain only users) and show the services and name of the servers where those accounts are configured on utilizing Remote powershell to do so and the use of a Domain Admin user.

You can refer to this link to see this article by clicking here

Creating the script process:

The same client wanted to also know which of those accounts did authenticate and wanted to know from which server/Computer did the request originate from and to which DC did it go.

I have started thinking of the process of doing so by again utilizing remote PowerShell to check against certain security events on AD to check which user among the Domain admin members did authenticate.

After sometime and with the help of some forums I managed to get script ready which looks in all Domain Controllers for users that are members of the Domain Admin groups who triggered an event ID 4624 and from which Computer did this request came from.

The Script :

# Get domain admin user list
$DomainAdminList = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity 'Domain Admins'
# Get all Domain Controller names
$DomainControllers = Get-ADDomainController -Filter * | Sort-Object HostName
# EventID
$EventID = '4624'
# Get only last 24hrs
$Date = (Get-Date).AddDays(-3)
# Limit log event search for testing as this will take a LONG time on most domains
# For normal running, this will have to be set to zero
$MaxEvent = 100

# Loop through Dcs
$DALogEvents = $DomainControllers | ForEach-Object {
    $CurDC = $_.HostName
    Write-Host "`nSearching $CurDC logs..."
    Get-WinEvent  -ComputerName $CurDC -FilterHashtable @{Logname='Security';ID=$EventID;StartTime = $Date} -MaxEvents $MaxEvent |`
    Where-Object { $_.Properties[5].Value -in $DomainAdminList.SamAccountName } |`
    ForEach-Object {
        [pscustomobject]@{SourceIP = $_.Properties[18].Value; SamAccountName = $_.Properties[5].Value;Time = $_.TimeCreated;LogonEventLocation = $CurDC}

How to run:

The Script must be run on DC with a privileged account in order to get the write results, The default time interval is set to 3 days but you can choose to increase that.

You can also change the default group where you want to search for members by changing Domain Admin groups to something else.

Screenshot of the result


The Story (Finding Domain Joined Servers Services users)

If you’re wondering which of your servers are using domain joined account or a non regular account like network service or system. You will need to go through every server’s service console and check that one by one but thanks to PowerShell this job was made like a piece of cake.


The requirement to run this script is a domain admin account since the PowerShell will require access to other servers using Remote PowerShell using Invoke command and run a Get-WMIObject script to find out those details. So in short I will write the required things for this to work

1- Logged in to Active Directory (In order for AD PowerShell module to run and find computers).

2- Domain admin account (To run the remote PowerShell on other servers and get service details)

3- Firewall for domain joined computers is open (To allow remote PowerShell to work) or have remote PowerShell enabled via GPO.

The Script will also show you the offline (inaccessible servers) and will state those servers as down as you can see in the screenshot below.

The script will also prompt you for a path to save the output. You can enter something like C:\Services.csv  as soon as you type the file path and extension it’ll be opened using Notepad.


#Check servers down and get services from the responsive servers

$Computers = Get-ADComputer -Filter { OperatingSystem -Like ‘*Windows Server*’}

$Input = ForEach ($computer in $computers){

$comp = $Computer.DNSHostName

$dist = $Computer.DistinguishedName

if (Test-Connection -Computername $comp -count 2 -Quiet )


Invoke-Command -ComputerName $comp -ScriptBlock {Get-WmiObject win32_service | where {$_.StartName -notlike “*LocalSystem*” -and $_.StartName -notlike “*LocalService*” -and $_.StartName -notlike “*NetworkService*” -and $_.StartName -notlike “*System*”} | select DisplayName,StartName,State }}

else{ Write-host $comp is down -foregroundColor red -BackGroundColor black



$Output = Read-Host “Enter File path and Name to save output to”

Out-File -FilePath $Output -InputObject $Input -Encoding ascii

Notepad $Output



Lync Front end event ID 32178

The Issue: Replication problem occurs between Frontend Servers and Edge

If you look at the Eventviewer you might find the following error when you have finished deploying Edge or Frontend Server.


Failed to sync data for Routing group {563F57A3-0AC1-560A-91B4-74ACDECB2683} from backup store.

Cause: This may indicate a problem with connectivity to backup database or some unknown product issue.


Ensure that connectivity to backup database is proper. If the error persists, please contact product support with server traces.


This error happens when you mistakenly import a certificate that’s not self-signed into the Local computer’s trusted authority store.

To fix this issue you will have to use the following powershell cmdlet on all the servers that are showing the error
  • Get-Childitem cert:\LocalMachine\root -Recurse | Where-Object {$_.Issuer -ne $_.Subject} | Format-List * | Out-File “c:\computer_filtered.txt”
  • Then type the command
  • Notepad C:\computer_filtered.txt
  • The command will open notepad file with the certificates details in it.
  • Take a note of all certificate’s thumb print number and open your MMC console
  • Click File -> add the Certificate then choose Local computer
  • Navigate to “Trusted Root Certification Authority” store


Check the certificate that their thumb print were shown in the Txt file and remove to the Intermediate Certification authority store.

If you have many certificates in the Trusted root store, you can manage the view and choose “Issued by” and then click on the certificate that the “Issued to” and “Issued by” do not match


double click on it then choose the thumbprint section and try to see if this thumbprint value matches the one in the text and move it to the intermediate store.


When you finish, you must restart the servers one by one in order to resolve this issue and then you will notice that the error is gone and that services are back to normal state



Lync common issues

Publishing Topology on Frontend

Some of the issues that might face you while you’re deploying Skype for Business/Lync is something that might be stuck within AD.

A previous installation that was not properly cleaned could result in a failure of publishing the Topology.

Here is one issue that I had while deploying one for one of my clients.


Enable-CsTopology : Multiple Active Directory entries were found for type “ms-RTC-SIP-EdgeProxy” with ID in a multiple Domain Environment

Active Directory Issue?

Enable-CsTopology : Multiple Active Directory entries were found for type “ms-RTC-SIP-EdgeProxy” with ID


At line:1 char:1

+ Enable-CsTopology

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

+ CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (:SourceCollection) [Enable-CsTopology], InvalidDataException

+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : DuplicateADEntry,Microsoft.Rtc.Management.Deployment.ActivateTopologyCmdlet




  • Open ADSIEDIT and look in the following snapshot. Open Configuration for your DC
  • Collapse the menu and click on Services
  • Click on RTC Service
  • Click on Global Settings and on the right pane look if there’s any duplicated entries and remove them.
  • As you can see on my right pane I have 2 duplicated (msRTCSIP-EdgeProxy) and I’m going to remove one of them and see if I can publish my topology or not. But before that I will have to make sure that I export the entry that I wanna delete.


I right clicked on the last value and deleted it and here how it became now.


Now I will try to publish my topology and see what happens, my topology publishing failed with a new error this time.


I will have to go and check where’s this coming from, since it mentions TrustedService. I will go look in the trusted service

This is not going to be easy, as you need to becareful where you look .. You will need to make sure that you’re looking at the right FQDN


Here I could find the value MRAS for the FQDN Edge server

So I looked here and found 2 identical entries with a different (CN) if you scroll down you will see that the GruuId is the same, FQDN is the same, port is the same.



Let’s delete one of them and see again if we can publish our topology, So I deleted the one that starts with {b344}

I will do this using the Lync Powershell, you can see below that the Topology was published successfully.


To resolve the warning you will have to issue the cmdlet Enable-CsAdForest after the Enable-CsTopology
